Saturday, November 30, 2013

Project Snowflake

On the eve of December, I’m looking back and wondering where the past 11 months have gone. Where did all my fancy resolutions, all my perfect plans disappear?

2013 was supposed to be a year of change. A year where I grew up and started my journey to the person I wanted to be. Yet, here I stand, eleven months later and I’m still the same.

But the year isn’t over yet ...

There are still five weeks left and I plan to make the most of it.

Having seen one too many makeover movies, I’ve decided to create a month-long makeover project for myself: PROJECT SNOWFLAKE.

'Snowflake' is a metaphor for the identity I want to create. A snowflake is said to be beautiful and unique. No two snowflakes are the same. This is who I want to be: gorgeous and original

Beginning December 1st, every day I will do something that will take me closer to who I want to be as an individual. It’ll be a whirlwind of new habits and fun activities.

I know I may not cross off everything on my makeover list but hopefully at the end of the month, I’ll at least be three steps closer to who I would like to be.